Top 10 Flutter Widgets for Mobile App Development
Are you excited about creating a stunning and impressive mobile application? If so, then Flutter is the go-to technology for mobile app development.
The development of mobile applications has become more comfortable, quicker, and flexible with the advent of Flutter. Google created this open-source framework that helps developers in making cross-platform mobile applications based on Dart programming language.
Flutter has become the star of the mobile application development industry due to its incredible features and functionalities. One of its most striking features is Widgets, which provide developers with the ability to create sophisticated user interfaces.
In this article, we'll highlight the top ten Flutter widgets, which will make your development process simple, smooth, and fast.
1. MaterialApp Widget
The Material Design guidelines serve as a basis for Flutter in the creation of mobile app development widgets. MaterialApp widget is a container for your application with material-specific design, including font, themes, animations, and widgets to implement an app design consistent with Material Design.
One of the great things about the widget is that it is incredibly easy to set up - you just need to wrap it around the widgets you want to use in your app. You can use this widget to do things such as setting up custom colors and fonts, adding icon fonts, and more.
void main() { runApp(
2. Scaffold Widget
The Scaffold widget is a framework widget produced by Material Design that designs the primary structure of your screen. With the help of a scaffold widget, you can set up the AppBar, FAB, BottomNavigationBar and many other features.
One of the common features that Scaffold widget offers is the drawer menu. It presents a menu on the left side or right side of the screen, which is useful when you have a lot of menu items or functions that would not fit in a standard bottom navigation bar.
body: Text('Hey There'),
backgroundColor: Colors.white,
drawer: Drawer(),
3. Text Widget
Text widget is a basic but critical widget that is part of every application. As the name implies, this widget enables you to add text in your app.
You can adjust the font size, color, and styling through the text widget. It could be anything from a short headline to descriptive paragraphs. You can also use placeholders in the text to create a more customizable experience for your users.
'This is a basic text widget',
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 18,
4. Icon Widget
The Icon widget is one of the most versatile widgets in Flutter, which provides you with various options to add icons to your application.
The Icon widget contains a set of icons for both Material and Cupertino design styles. These icons can also be customised to suit your app's style and colours.
size: 24,
5. Image Widget
The Image widget allows you to add images to your application, whether they be JPG, PNG, or SVG. You can also add them from assets, network, or memory.
The Image widget also supports GIFs and animations, giving you the ability to include brief visual narratives in your app that can help enforce specific messages.
fit: BoxFit.fitWidth
6. Form Widget
The Form widget helps you create uniform user interfaces for collecting data from your users. You can add several kinds of input data elements, including text boxes, drop-down boxes, password fields, and more.
The Form widget will manage the validation of data added to the app by the user, displaying error messages when required.
key: _formKey,
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
controller: _controller,
validator: (value) {
if (value.isEmpty) {
return 'Please enter some text';
return null;
7. ListView Widget
The ListView widget offers you a list of using items to get a better UI experience. This widget is often used with dynamic list data where you don't know how many items will show up in the user's screen.
You can add a listview to your app easily and specify the UI element layout for each list item. ListView may be horizontal, vertical, or grid-based.
children: <Widget>[
title: Text('A'),
title: Text('B'),
8. Card Widget
The Card widget presents a UI element where you can combine text and images in a single container. Cards are commonly used for product representations, news or even gallery collections.
Users can easily recognise that they are interacting with a container that is easy to navigate due to its raised edges.
child: Column(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: <Widget>[
leading: Icon(Icons.album),
title: Text('Card Title'),
subtitle: Text('Description Item'),
children: <Widget>[
child: const Text('Move'),
onPressed: () {/* ... */},
child: const Text('Delete'),
onPressed: () {/* ... */},
9. FloatingActionButton Widget
The FloatingActionButton widget is a rapid way to add a shortcut for a significant feature to your app. It's commonly used for navigation, search boxes and call-to-action functions.
The widget float above other UI elements and can be placed anywhere on screen. You can customise colors and also add in animations for a more sophisticated experience.
onPressed: () {},
child: Icon(Icons.edit),
10. CupertinoWidgets
Cupertino Widgets, another stylish set of widgets inspired by iOS, are essential components for developers working with Flutter. Cupertino widgets offer you the ability to design unique iOS-style applications with less design work.
These widgets can be fantastic for creating a more iOS native feel for your app or if you don't have time to build your customised Widgets for your application.
child: Text('Cupertino Button'),
onPressed: () {}
Bottom line
Flutter is an outstanding option for mobile app development given its quality, ease of use, and efficiency. The widgets listed above are just a few of the core features of the Flutter framework. Still, they can provide you with significant functionality when creating fantastic mobile applications, and a great way to make the most of them is by using Flutter Tips.
Keep learning and exploring the possibilities of developing Flutter applications. Have a great development experience, and always be excited about your apps in Flutter!
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